Camp @ Home – This is a Vacation Bible School for children ages 5 to 12. It takes place over the course of a week in the summertime. There is a team that provides impactful lessons from the Bible. The team also puts on energetic themes and skits for the children to respond to. The children also take daily crafts and trips to the local pool to cool off. This is a splendid opportunity to meet and minister to children in the community. And a wonderful opportunity for the children to meet their peers in a safe place.

Jackson’s Point – Adventure Camps – This program is designed to send children to camp that may not otherwise have the opportunity. The impact of sending children to camp is tremendous. The children have many learning opportunities including learning about the environment, peers and themselves when they are away at camp. It provides a growing experience for every child. Also, the children have the opportunity to offset expenses through different fundraisers. The camp program has proven to be an empowering opportunity for children in the community.

Moms and Kids Camp – This camp is a great way for single moms to get away and spend some quality time outdoors with their kids. Our team will also provide programming for the kids throughout the week so moms have some time to focus on themselves. Enjoy camp activities such as swimming, canoeing, rock climbing, worship, sessions and more at Jackson’s Point Camp.

Junior Music Camp – This is an opportunity to have children in the community follow their passion of making music. Through this musical experience, friendships can be forged and strengthened. Through interactive programming with music, drama, dance, crafts, puppetry and sports, the children grow as people. Without the work of the community, the kids involved in these camps would not otherwise have the opportunity to attend camp.